There are 6,618,649,793 in the world, last I heard.
There are 302,818,508 people in the U.S. of A.
There are 393,664 people in the U.S. with the first name Adam.
Statistically Adam is the 143rd most popular first name.
99.62 percent of people with the first name Adam are male.
There are 302,818,508 people in the U.S. of A.
There are 393,664 people in the U.S. with the first name Adam.
Statistically Adam is the 143rd most popular first name.
99.62 percent of people with the first name Adam are male.
Adam derives from the Hebrew noun ha adamah meaning "the ground" or "earth"
Adán is the Spanish form of this name, As in.... Antonio Adán, the Spanish football goalie.....In Arabic Adam (آدم) means "made from the earth/mud/clay".
Adán is the Spanish form of this name, As in.... Antonio Adán, the Spanish football goalie.....In Arabic Adam (آدم) means "made from the earth/mud/clay".
Adolphe Adam, a French composer of Minuit, chrétiens! or "O Holy Night".......Albrecht Adam and son, Benno Adam, and brother, Heinrich Adam...as well as Eugen Adam, all talented German painters...portraits, etchings, lithographs...
Adam Gontier, the lead singer for Canadian Alternative Rock band 3 Days Grace...Or, Adam Stein, titled "Sexiest Man on the Planet."
Adam Gontier, the lead singer for Canadian Alternative Rock band 3 Days Grace...Or, Adam Stein, titled "Sexiest Man on the Planet."
Then theres...Juliette Adam (1836 – 1936), a French writer...
But then also, there's always, Adam....Just Adam. Adam who began it all, with his wife Eve. Adam who tended the animals and the greens in Eden. Some even say he became the archangel, Michael.
Which brings me to an Adam who is very important to me... Not THE Adam who is THE most important to me....Just another one who is. And he comes from the West, 水 , Ap/Jala, Genbu, Aab, a cane, a bowl of blood, a cup, a bowl, a cauldron of the Dagda, always full...Water, Rain......rain....
He's tall, and he has light brown hair... a bit of facial hair...deep green eyes, and simple muslin clothing. He has a voice that is most sweet to hear, although it isn't really heard, it is felt. It is known. It is cool...like breeze on your neck, but through your mind. Like a refreshing morning gulp of oxygen after a stormy night. And the voice says "truth", the voice says "guidance", the voice says "comfort", as long as I listen.... If I don't.... he cant get to me....and I begin to lose myself. I even dare to forget that he is there...watching, and wishing I would turn to him for help. He's just waiting for me, fighting for me, and he cares for me....even though I don't quite know his identity, he sure knows mine. He is Adam. He's somewhat of a spirit guide for me, somewhat of an angel as some would say. That is all I know; That he exists, that he is with me, and that he Knows.
He reminds me very much of another Adam I know, one who is THE most important to me...
"In the beginning of all things, wisdom and knowledge were with the animals, for Tirawa, the One Above, did not speak directly to man. He sent certain animals to tell men that he showed himself through the beast, and that from them, and from the stars and the sun and moon should man learn.. all things tell of Tirawa.
All things in the world are two. In our minds we are two, good and evil. With our eyes we see two things, things that are fair and things that are ugly.... We have the right hand that strikes and makes for evil, and we have the left hand full of kindness, near the heart. One foot may lead us to an evil way, the other foot may lead us to a good. So are all things two, all two." --Letakos-Lesa (Eagle Chief), of the Pawnee Indians
But then also, there's always, Adam....Just Adam. Adam who began it all, with his wife Eve. Adam who tended the animals and the greens in Eden. Some even say he became the archangel, Michael.
Which brings me to an Adam who is very important to me... Not THE Adam who is THE most important to me....Just another one who is. And he comes from the West, 水 , Ap/Jala, Genbu, Aab, a cane, a bowl of blood, a cup, a bowl, a cauldron of the Dagda, always full...Water, Rain......rain....
He's tall, and he has light brown hair... a bit of facial hair...deep green eyes, and simple muslin clothing. He has a voice that is most sweet to hear, although it isn't really heard, it is felt. It is known. It is cool...like breeze on your neck, but through your mind. Like a refreshing morning gulp of oxygen after a stormy night. And the voice says "truth", the voice says "guidance", the voice says "comfort", as long as I listen.... If I don't.... he cant get to me....and I begin to lose myself. I even dare to forget that he is there...watching, and wishing I would turn to him for help. He's just waiting for me, fighting for me, and he cares for me....even though I don't quite know his identity, he sure knows mine. He is Adam. He's somewhat of a spirit guide for me, somewhat of an angel as some would say. That is all I know; That he exists, that he is with me, and that he Knows.
He reminds me very much of another Adam I know, one who is THE most important to me...
"In the beginning of all things, wisdom and knowledge were with the animals, for Tirawa, the One Above, did not speak directly to man. He sent certain animals to tell men that he showed himself through the beast, and that from them, and from the stars and the sun and moon should man learn.. all things tell of Tirawa.
All things in the world are two. In our minds we are two, good and evil. With our eyes we see two things, things that are fair and things that are ugly.... We have the right hand that strikes and makes for evil, and we have the left hand full of kindness, near the heart. One foot may lead us to an evil way, the other foot may lead us to a good. So are all things two, all two." --Letakos-Lesa (Eagle Chief), of the Pawnee Indians
How are you so sure that the two Adams are different?
Juliette Adam :) Now, thats some name.
There is something special about green eyes, you know? You, harry potter, Adam, and so many other people...with special abilities. I think green just lets anything which it allows to, flow in :)
And wow...Dualism, after such a long time. I have to read more and more :)
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