Wednesday, September 26, 2007

Oh my, that moon! I smell change on the wind....

Well, today seemed to be no different than any other average day. Except my tummy hurt a bit... Damn that full moon.
Teachers pushing your limits...Seeing just how far you can go, and giggling all the while. No mercy, I tell you, none. Must be a full moon.
It was actually a rather quiet day...Seems like most everyone decided to stay in bed and play ill today...either there must have been a lot of unnecessary tests scheduled, or it must be a full moon.
I had a lot of confidence today, it hasn't dissipated yet, thank goodness, and hopefully it wont....ever.....never again....
Well I came home...cats were there to greet me, although, they were a little hyped up...running all over the place, twitching, talking, pouncing each and every thing. It could have been those un-pop-able cat-nip bubbles...or else it must be a full moon.
Also, I found food in the house. It must be a full moon. ;)
In any case.... It was just like I made some pasta and cheesy sauce, some peas etc. Drank some milk, never tasted so good... really must be a full moon.
I missed a certain someone extra today, for some reason, there was hardly anything/one else on my mind. So so excited to go home again, oddly...but not to be home, but to be with somebody. And all that excitement, anticipation...has melted a bit into dissappointment because I came home, only to the kitties. :( But that's okay...There must be a reason.... something important might have come up? Something might have delayed? Something providing a very very logical reasoning? Maybe it's the full moon...
"Promises are like the full moon, if they are not kept at once, they diminish day by day" -- German Proverb


Xunoz said...

It is full now know

Xunoz said...

Sorry for being late though