Saturday, September 15, 2007

barbed wire and butterflies

Once upon a time, there were two people...each madly in love with the other. She was so much in love with him, it was indescribable. Not a second was wasted not dreaming about him. She thought that even his love for her couldn't compete. But he would argue otherwise...

He examines almost every inch of her. Every smooth curve, every elegant angle. The way her slender fingers move...the way each part of her skin feels brushed lovingly against lips. He does this out of worship, out of pure love, not passion. Does this because craves to know her. When she closes her mind to him, he desperately tries to know her in every way possible left, without going against her wishes.
It was a beautiful that not even lust could impede.
But one evil crept in. A darkness that threatened to tear them apart forever. It was a darkness full of confusion, mistakes, invoked so much fear, so much anger, saddness, and pain...invoked anything but sang-froid.

It did pull them painfully. They couldn't stop it. It just happened.

They made a vow though, a strong vow. A promise, that no matter what...they would be together again, no matter what, this darkness couldn't keep them separated forever. They would have to wait for the right moment, then pounce on it. Pounce on it with all their might, mind, and strength...and eliminate the darkness. The invisible matter expanding two galaxies farther and farther away.

"I tell you the truth, if you have faith as small as a mustard seed, you can say to this mountain, 'Move from here to there' and it willmove. " -- Matthew 17:20


Juliana said...

see if you cant decipher metaphorical words...

Anonymous said...

Very well worded, but what happened in the story? Did they ever come together again? Did they marry one other? What happened to the evil? Come on, this is a happening of the past, you must be knowing what happened. Please tell us more?