What is it?
I can tell you this much, there is much too much of it in the world.
The world seems to have turned to the morally bad for solace. This makes me sad...because really, I do see it all around.
I'm an observer, as you may know, and this is what I have observed. At an alarmingly fast rate...wickedness and hatred are popping up everywhere. And for no reason! I mean, it might've been there since the beginning...because man will be man...But sometimes it seems as though everyone hates everyone these days.
I look around, and this is what I see... People...adults, elders..children!...doing degrading, immoral acts-turned-habits. The elders should know.... they should have enough sense by now to know!! Right? But.....Bestiality and corruption in those children. Perversion and...no respect!
But guess who this next generation is learning from? Yes, you know. They take what they've surveyed and they add what they perceive and...well...the concoction creates something much more villanous.
Something else makes me sad....
I typed in "wickedness" to google for ideas.... didn't find any, of course...but, I noticed... on of the first sites to pop up was an Islamic-hater's site. On the first page! One of the first hits!! How did this happen? How did Islam end up there?
Ah well...this is what the world is now...
But I can't leave this all to the depressing fact that one day, it seems, all that will be left is hate...right?
There is still love in some places, you just have to know where to look. It will always be there, forever...even if it is not obvious to the naked eye.
And beauty? Yes there is beauty forever also. But it isn't something you have to search for. It is there... every where...in everything. In every seemingly trivial thing and every brilliant thing, it's there. So much of it, so beautiful that it seems worthy of worship.
A lone morning glory in a patch of weeds during a sad, rainy dawn...
1 comment:
I know this is not one of the best comments, but I was just wondering what we can do about 'wickedness and cruelty'. If its excess of it, if the randomness and the negative energy is too high now, what to do to make sure that its dissipated through appropriate channels and world be a better place to live? Or, is it all Darwinian theory of evolution, which talks about survival of the fittest? Love and beauty, indeed are two powerful tools to tackle this...but, you need those who can play with these tools very well, and work, collectively towards a well-being.
Anyways...you know what happens when you combine "fool" with the "wickedness" thing discussed above. It becomes "Fooled by Randomness". I am not sure if you have read the book or heard of it, but its a nice one.
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