Thursday, February 23, 2006


well.. yesterday started out terrible, got even more terrible, worse and worse and worse....and then by the time I was leaving school.. I was walking, still tuned out from the world around me, and it just sort of hit me, I dont know exactly what..or how to explain, but I just was suddenly okay with it all, and was happy...sort of, esp since all day I just wanted to go home and curl up in bed, but I didnt really get home until aroun 8;30.. it was kinda of nice, kind of not. (haven't been out of my room that long in a while.. *wink*) after school, I went straight out to Sugar and had piano, for about an hour and 15 minutes that took, took a while to get there and back. umm.. yay....I got my festival's three pages and the other is four, ugh.. a three page boroque song...and I've got to get them mastered and memorized by may 13..yay, so excited.. lol. Whoa! that reminds me, I have this recital tomorrow, I completely forgot, stupid boroque recital....okay..not stupid....but...when you have no idea its going to happen until the day bbefore lol...I also just remember they're gonna ask me to play my song. well.. didn't think it was that famous. its really weird when you walk by someone and you realize they're humming your song. Its really strange.. lol.
Anyways.. after that, I got home, for thirty minutes I spent half getting ready half eating dinner, then off to rehearsal, that we didn't get that far on, and then for the play... ugh, I wore a gorgeous dress, one that I could never afford...but it was beautiful all the same, though it was a little hard to breath in lol...BUT I didn;t trip on stage! its a miracle! ...anyways...after that... I came home, got on line for a short while, enough for my last blog, while rocking Emily who was missing her mother. but she fell asleep before mom even got back.
So that was basically the good side of my day yesterday.
oh yea, btw.. Cory, well, turns out the bloody mouth was a result of his teeth coming out, but he's okay now and the other guy is chrged with battery. well gtg

1 comment:

Unknown said...

I will never hum your song when I am with you. Lol.
But guess what? I'll listen to it on my iPod. =]
It's been really nice knowing what you were doing in the past few years.

P.S. I am super envious of your piano skills. =O