Tuesday, February 21, 2006

the blooding..again?

Well..I’m back again…its strange I’ve never really been so continuous and frequent on a blog before….anyways…so today was okay..not bad but not necessarily wonderful.
After all…it is the end of the trimester. The most stressful time of all..finals and presentations galore to get ready for! Whoot! I’m soo excited…
Anyways..so…yea anyways…so..today, it was kinda sad, one of my friends got punched, sort of got in a fight…but he didn’t start it, he just defended himself. Though not very good. Chris, the one who officially ‘started’ it had not a scratch and when I had to leave, cory’s mouth was still full of blood…

Yea, anyways..so…seeing that blood sort of..well, triggered something again, unfortunately.. That I thought I had under control for quite a while but…I guess…that was only because my eyes weren’t seeing those things, and I dedicated every moment to shoving certain thoughts out of my mind. I don’t want anything to happen to anyone.

Shoot…I have to go now…I’ve got a dress rehearsal…


Anonymous said...

you'll have to control yourself and keep going on the right path.

Unknown said...

So many years after...
I bet... instead of seeing mouth full of blood, you see 2 black eyes. =/