Monday, March 30, 2009

Sari discoveries.

I've recently discovered a few things about sari's.

You really need to be able to carry yourself upright and in a sleek manner to pull off wearing a sari as a non-indian and actually look good (not awkward) (Also, need to know how to drape it properly :p).

You also need to be aware that if you're young and amazingly beautiful such as myself... :) ...and you wear a sari in public (esp. in america), rather than detest you for seemingly being a wannabe, local pakistanis and indians' eyes will inevitably be drawn to you and they'll oogle their hearts out and possibly ask for an autograph.

And one more thing... "western" (still can't use it without parenthesis) women seem to walk much much differently than indian women. Could be the jeans, or such a fast paced... everything. But wow, sari's teach me.... IT'S OKAY TO STROLL.


1 comment:

Xunoz said...

you wore a sari (saree)? :)