Wednesday, March 18, 2009

Pink slips flying all around

Why isn't education a priority in this country??

That really bothers me.

We're just reaching the peak of this "recession", or rather... lowest of the low, so it's going to hit me hard next year trying to get into college. SOoooo many factors will be working against me simply because of the budget cuts. The major thing I have going for me is that I'm faaar from middle class and even farther from upper....ironically, that's what'll save me (people WANT to give poor people scholarships :P ).

Why cut the most funding to schools and universities? It just doesn't make sense. An apres moi le deluge thing (been dying to use that phrase :) ). Don't care that this country will die if the next generation isn't educated enough to take care of it. Don't care that the education system was created in the 50s, and is now holding students back from the advances in knowledge that the world has made. Money money money. Well... everything should be free. At least education and healthcare. If you're gonna spend money somewhere shouldn't it be there?

:( just makes me sad for this country.... So proud of being The Best, and yet we're sooooo far behind other parts of the world.


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