Monday, March 23, 2009

Anger RAawrrrr

I saw a very sad thing today. (I already tweeted it :p )
I was walking down the road, and a car drove passed and I saw a man hitting and punching something in the passenger seat. So, I looked and there was a girl hunkered down in the passenger seat :( I couldn't tell how old she was, adult or teenager. This man, is driving and beating this girl at the same time. What a way to multi-task.

What do you do with something like that? Take down the lisence plate and call it in? I mean... nothing... absolutely nothing.
It got me thinking though. There are a LOT of angry people in this neighborhood. Or maybe I'm just noticing it lately.
For example, there's a few faculty at the school that I somehow circuitous-ly found out later had gotten pink slips and there last day is the 23rd of april. They are especially grumpy and mean and impatient lately. I smile at them and they growl at me.
Also, the other day, I was walking a few blocks back to my house and there was a woman screaming and cussing into her cell phone as she walked behind me. She crossed the four lane road and I could still hear her screaming angrily all the way home (Now, I dunno.. but, it seems like yelling at somebody through a phone for an hour wouldn't be quite as effective....).
Another day, I was walking and saw some guy yelling at some other guy saying something about money and saying "fucking" every other word.

Anyway... there's too much anger around here. Public stunts like those too. Maybe it's a city thing i'm just not used to, or maybe just a low-income neighborhood thing, or maybe there is some other reason...
I don't know. But...people should just be happy. They would be so much... happier...if they'd just be happy.

"If you want to be happy, be." ~Leo Tolstoy

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