Thursday, November 30, 2006

Just need a hug

Today started out fine, beautiful weather. But by now, I'm just exhausted. Someone hit a transformer today and the whole campus lost power for an hour or so, even byington. Yet we had to stay and continue to work in the dark. With the windows, the lighting was fair enough..... for people with good eyes! Some teachers don't take in account everyone personally, why is that? True, a person can only do so much. But can't possibly expect so much out of someone who cant see!

The bus I'm taking is getting too overcrowded...a lot of the middle schoolers get on that bus at one of the stops, and after's just terrible. Hot and crowded, with people sitting on eachother and sitting or standing in the aisle or even the stairwell! Literally stepping over childrens heads to get out the door. Not to mention having to carry a bag full of textbooks......well...I suppose I cant complain, some people have it worse.

Then when I finally walked all the way down to my house, I found it locked...of one home and the spare key wasn't where it should have been. This was half good and half bad. Bad, because I was left out there for an hour not knowing if something had happened or not, and good because it gave me some thinking time :) Knowing me, when I'm thinking like that, I start doing a few things like...poping my knuckles ( I know... bad habit) or drawing all over my hands. So, that's what I did....a design on my hand, began as a 'happy holidays' intended snowflake... but snowflakes are too simple. So it soon morphed into some kind of faceless creature coiling around my hand, fingers. Becoming a story in my mind.

But the night should go better...there's a rainbow out side and its just started sprinkling again.
"If you think that taking care of yourself is selfish, change your mind. If you don't, you're simply ducking your responsibilities"
--Ann Richards
"And I said to myself, I have things in my head that are not like what anyone has taught me - shapes and ideas so near to me - so natural to my way of being and thinking that it hasn't occured to me to put them down. I decided to start anew, to strip away what I had been taught." --Georgia O'Keeffe :)

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