Tuesday, November 21, 2006

How to save a life?

It's not right. It's got to stop....they're just making everyone hurt, frustrated, angry, negative, sad, depressed. It has go to stop! If they can't do it themselves....like they had thought from the beginning...thought that it would be perfect, average...thought that it was what they wanted.
Apparently it wasn't.
I think....hey.. it's none of my business...But no, it is. I have every right to step in. It affects me very much. It affects people I care about. Whether me stepping in does any good or not. I could try the magic word...maybe knock some sense into both of them. But I don't think it will work, with her at least.
Maybe this is why I've had such problems with them. Because they're being so attracted to this house. It's not me.....it's that they come, and because I'm one of those people who get so drained by letting everyone come to me, vent on me, feed off of me, they take advantage.
Maybe this is why I'm here? To cure four people, to save two...from what seems..their biggest mistake as of yet.

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