Wednesday, July 12, 2006

Thieves who steal The Grapes

There's something, I've only just realized. An enormous mistake I made..although..this mistake needed to be made in order to set things right when I realize it..which I have now. There is a contact that I lost...lost Him because I stopped believeing that He is in any way real. I never truly stopped believeing..I just no longer wanted to, so I told myself over and over again until I had deceived my own mind. And I accomplished nothing for the better. I found that attempting to block certain things will never work if those things are truly meant to be. They will always be with me, I might dull them..but not for long..years later, when they are desperately needed, they'll resurface, and I cannot block them anymore. Thank you to the saint, Jeanne d'Arc..for bringing me the next step. The symbol is finished.

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