Tuesday, April 07, 2009

What makes something evil?

What makes something evil?

Who decides these things?

For example, in religions like Christianity and Judaism and Catholicism etc etc. SEX is horrible. Like, you're going to hell for it. Genitals practically don't exist at all until you need to bear a child, then it becomes a chore. And you can clearly see the outcome of the supression... it becomes evil because of the suppression...those stories of priests etc. But in other religions, usually ones who have kept with more ancient ideas, it seems like it was celebrated.

Example number 2, drugs and alcohol. Okay... they were put here for a pupose... and the purpose is not as sinister as people are being told. They are not here to "tempt" us into doing evil things and going to hell. Drugs can send you to hell, but only if drugs ARE your hell. Honestly, hell is what you make it. I mean, they're here for medicinal purposes, alcohol too. Medicinal purposes, whether to fix a physical ailment or just to give you some pleasure or happiness. How do I know? Because it works. If that's not what it was meant for then it wouldn't work.

These things only become "evil" when they cause you to hurt someone else. When you drink too much alcohol and then get in your car to drive home, THAT is evil. THAT is going to send you to hell. But there are so many more cases of people drinking a little for a social thing, and being responsible by taking a cab home then there are of people drunk driving.... you just only hear the bad ones. Marijuana is evil when you get high and then try to push someone off a cliff cause you think they could fly. But there are a lot more cases of it curing something than killing something.

So, this doesn't make sense to me. Sex supposedly feels good, it's amazing and spiritual and from how people have tried to describe it to me, it's a feeling that's impossible to describe. People risk their LIVES jumping out of planes over and over again just to get that rush of adrenaline and copulents that you can also get from sex. Anyway, if it's so amazing then why do they say it's evil? Why does it send you to hell? Like I said before... it only becomes evil when it's abused. When it's used to hurt someone else.

I mean really, you have a right to do anything you want with yourself and your soul. If you wanna drink all the time, and you're educated in the longterm effects of heavy drinking, then by all means, go ahead and hurt yourself. No one can tell you you're wrong for doing that until it begins to hurt someone else. It's just like killing yourself. It's not a crime, it's not going to make you hell-bound, because you can do whatever you want to yourself. Pablo Picasso thrived on the turmoil that he caused the women (whom he hate and madly adored) in his life. The pain and misery is what fueled him and his art. So if you want to get into an unstable, dysfunctional relationship, you're parents can't damn you to hell for that.

But this is where it gets complicated.

If I'm a mother, and I choose to heavily drink all the time, it is hurting my children emotionally. If I choose to kill myself through any means, it will hurt my mother. If you kill someone, it's hurting them, whether they deserved it or not. But what about death row? What happens to the guy who's job it is to inject the fatal cocktail, does he go to hell? Picasso hurt his lovers so much, but... they chose to stay with him as long as they did as well, so who's hurting who? It's so confusing. Yea, I made some pretty bold statements about what is evil and what isn't... But the world is so much more complicated, and impossible to understand. Our minds are INCAPABLE of understanding the way life and death works.

So what really is evil? Is it just someone's opinion? They always say there is good and evil, and it has to be that way for there to be balance... but do we really know what good is and what evil is?

"There is only one good, knowledge, and one evil, ignorance." -Socrates

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