Thursday, April 09, 2009


We go to work and come home tired, eat and go to bed... and do it again and again and again and again. Don't take my word for it, because I don't have much experience, but really... I am so terrified that I'll end up in this cycle.
The majority of people in the world, as far as I've observed, are in jobs that they hate, or at least the job hates them...and yet they stick with the monotony just to survive. So that they can eat every day and sleep comfortably (almost).
That's all life is... it's just... get a job, any job, hopefully the best paying job, so that you can survive. That is such a sick joke. You don't get much time to spend with people you love, to build relationships, to have fun, to laugh, to travel, not even much time to spend getting to know yourself...Toooo busy trying to survive.

What's the point of this though? Like....Life is incredibly boring if you think about it. It should be switched around... you shouldn't have to work for a year so that you can take a couple day vacation. It should be, you explore life and the world, and then go work when you feel like it.

Okay, yea you can have a shitty job and still think your getting to experience life at it's fullest... but that's kind of an illusion, yes, maybe you get some, but it's nothing compared to if you just went free.
There is a small percentage of the world that does have a job that they love and that allows them to have all of these things, but it's small. No one, NO ONE wants a job that they hate or that holds them back... so why do so many people settle for that?
I dunno... just doesn't make sense to me. I swear... if I end up in a cubicle 9 hours a day... I would rather NOT survive. I would rather eat multicolored insects and wild onions every day and sleep on hard concrete under the stars every night...

Seriously....whats the point in living if you're just trying to survive?

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