Wednesday, April 15, 2009


We went through almost this exact experience in one of my classes. We were discussing something involving the American Dream research essays we're working on. And the opinions turned into personal experiences and emotions just rose. Everyone had horrible stories to tell. And then my teacher showed us this video.

In my SRO group (of only 5 or 6 members)... we've been working with the local government in improving various things for people in this poor community, specifically the youth(whether it be more unity, or getting free transportation for students etc.). We have done surveys and had long debates about each problem we see and why it's happening (and then how can we fix it, how can we make them listen to us and see us).

There is no wonder that damn police copter is out over our neighborhood every night spotlighting criminals. There is no wonder the students at school throw their food everywhere. There is no wonder why there are fights among peers erupting all the time, why there is a stack 3 inches tall of highschool dropout forms sitting in the registrar, why cops patrol ready to kick around any hobo they see, why the moving truck is in my apartment complex every day and the dumpster is full of furniture, toys my sister pulls out, and personal belongings that just don't fit into their one box, and I no longer have any neighbors, why that lady downstairs is screaming at herself while her friend holds her ankles so she can dig through that crap pile to find that 30$ she accidently dropped (wasn't there a time when 30$ wasn't worth digging through shit?).

Crime increases because people have no choice. They throw their food around because it's their defense mechanism, their cupboards are empty and that's their only meal each day and it's shitfood. They fight because they don't have any other outlet and their last straw is breaking. They drop out because they have to provide for their family...or else, they just gave up. Cops take their anger about the inability to provide for their families by kicking around homeless people who are just trying to survive. I don't have neighbors because they're behind on rent, their water was cut, or they're sucked into the idea that it's a perfect time to buy a house right now only to find themselves kicked out in a matter of months. My sister takes the toys from the garbage because she doesn't have much of her own. She's digging through that pile because these days, 30$ is a fortune.

What can I do. I've got my own self to take care of.

But it really does teach you what's most important in life. To cherish it, and never let it go.

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