Friday, January 02, 2009


I didn't speak until I was 2 years old, and my first words were "Evan, stop that right now!" Obviously, I could speak, but I chose to stay silent and have my brother talk for me most of the time from 1 to 5. I grunt, he says, "Jules is hungry" "Jules needs water" "Jules wants this..."

As I grew, I'd talk a bit more, but still lived in my own world, doing strange things, that made sense in my head, but not to anyone else. Eventually, when I wanted/needed to tell my mother about something... I'd write her a letter. Too hard to express myself through speaking. Either that, or... I might break down and cry in front of her. Can't have that.

And in the past few years...I've found myself clinging to one person, and pouring my soul out. Trying to open myself up to the world. Being visibly vulnerable. Some times I dont like what I find, and some times it's liberating.

People used to say that my closing myself to the world...was just who I am.

But now people can say that I just open myself in my own ways, art, music, writing, (clinging to one person :p ). And what I can say, is that I'm still experimenting. I've got one life to live, and I want to explore.

Some people, they open up for the purpose of helping someone else. Some open up with the thought that they can manipulate someone into being a better person. But that is not what it is about. Opening yourself up to others is for your benefit. And through doing this for yourself, it will benefit others as well.

"An open heart is fierce"

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