Thursday, January 01, 2009


Happy new year world!

I haven't really felt the excitement in any holiday this year.. especially thanksgiving, christmas, and new years. Not sure why... preoccupied maybe?

Anyway, yesterday was a great day. A friend of mine turned 40...and we went all out to make the day, and night, hers. She got some glamour shots done, and I didn't realize how much fun I'd have just watching her. She really was beautiful.

And after that she got herself a "build-a-bear". It's one of the best things I've ever heard of :D You pick out a skin, then you go and fill it with stuffing, and pick out a little heart, kiss it and make a wish and stick it inside. Then you sew it back up and go pick out clothes and/or accesories for it. After all of it, you get a birth certificate with the name! Why haven't I done this yet??

We then got her some new pajamas and had a slumber party. Really, only 4 showed up... but it was fun anyway. We had all this stuff planned for the night until midnight, but none of it happened... really, we did almost nothing :)

Anyway, the point is. The woman is turning 40! I dont know how it is in the rest of the world, but generally here in the US, everyone dreads the "big 4- 0". My aunt cried the whole week leading up to it! Why?? What's wrong with 40? My friend... she was so excited and looking forward to it. Because she's so confident in herself, she looked gorgeous and felt fabulous, and 40 meant something wonderful rather than horrible.

Well, it was just an inspiration...


Xunoz said...

interesting :)

but why are the quotes missing this time?

Juliana said...

ehhmm errrmmm...I like this one..

Youth is a wonderful thing. What a crime to waste it on children. ~George B. Shaw

Xunoz said...

:) now its kinda complete. you started it!