Monday, January 05, 2009

Hunting and Gathering

Some one enlightened me on...some...thing.... in humans.... were hunters and gatherers for millions of years. A long time to adapt to that way of life.
So if I'm ever unhappy with the way life is going right now.... I just have to think. It's only been in the last several hundred years that we've moved on to be agriculture-ists to industrial to post industrial...and now.... whatever you call this 21st century living. A relatively short time for us to evolve and adapt.
Our hunting and gathering days required maybe 3-4 hours of healthy work a day. And we lived with nature, and a part of the earth, and none of this toxic stuff filling our lungs and stomachs these days.

So of course, there's a reason why I have trouble adjusting to the unnatural demands of the 21st century.

okay, it's just a theory....

:P or an excuse.

"I am dying from the treatment of too many physicians." --Alexander the Great

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