(Or in Cantonese... Kung Hey Fat Choy!! Lai see dow loi (hehe, have to add in tradition)) Xin nian kuai le!! Happy Lunar Chinese New Year!! Fu dao!
It is the year of the Pig...and not just any pig, the golden pig, which comes once every 600 years...If I remember correctly. It should be an eventful and significant year, a wonderful year to have babies *wink wink* (pig is the symbol of fertility+the extra golden lucky year= gifted, honest, lucky and warm-hearted children) and should turn out to be very lucky and prosperous. http://video.yahoo.com/video/play?vid=060878ff39deaf2146f818409a7160fb.1227001&cache=1 (just wanted to add that ^... which has nothing to do with China, or new years....) :D
It is the year of the Pig...and not just any pig, the golden pig, which comes once every 600 years...If I remember correctly. It should be an eventful and significant year, a wonderful year to have babies *wink wink* (pig is the symbol of fertility+the extra golden lucky year= gifted, honest, lucky and warm-hearted children) and should turn out to be very lucky and prosperous. http://video.yahoo.com/video/play?vid=060878ff39deaf2146f818409a7160fb.1227001&cache=1 (just wanted to add that ^... which has nothing to do with China, or new years....) :D
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