Monday, February 12, 2007


I should be writing. Daily or more.
There really is no apparent reason for me not to right now.
But...I've, once again, fallen into my 'doldrums cycle'. It comes around every so often...though I'm yet to find some kind of pattern in order to stock up and prepare for the...emptiness. You can certainly tell this is not the first time this has happened...either by inconsistenties in my posting since I began....or elsewhere.
See.. just because I'm not writing does not mean that I don't want to, nor that I don't intend to...Just as if your ship sails into the silent doesn't mean you want to be there...I do mean to, and I do want to (for the most part)... but I simply cant...
And I cannot explain why I can't...I can't even explain why I can't explain why I can't!
"Silence is the true friend that never betrays." --Confucius

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