Sunday, October 15, 2006

All things are difficult before they are easy

So...I think I've finally settled in down here. Yes, I have come to live here with my dad for a while....not sure how long. But I think it'll be good for me. I'll be free to explore.....find myself, maybe. Anyways, it's good to be able to start out new with a blank slate. I'm not sure how it'll all turn out in the end, but I hope it will be good. I do miss Evan, and My mother.. and my friends... and a lot of other people, and it sounds like a lot of things fell apart after I left. AHHH the guilt. :(
But it'll be'll be optimistic, Julie, you're doing something for yourself for once. (cept.. there is a part of me that says I'm here to get some greatly needed order in this house.)
My dad took me out last night, we went to see one of Alexia's shows....Samara happened to be a guest performer, and was fantastic. There were a few of the dances I really liked. Mostly the fusion ones..Veil, Arabic/Indian w/cybals, Arabic/Spanish, Indian Bollywood(w/Chaaiya Chaaiya!!), and the Oriental....Anyway, it was all good. And It was really awesome to be able to see the famed Samara from New York.
Well, no insight for today...Just talk about my boring life....
"I finally feel like I am alive again. I feel so good. To be able to step outside anytime, to feel the sun directly on your face — to see the whole sky. These are luxuries that we just don't appreciate every day." (Ex-hostage Jill Carroll)
Courage doesn't always roar. Sometimes courage is the little voice at the end of the day that says I'll try again tomorrow.

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