Tuesday, March 25, 2008

Winter too long


The holiday with scary "Bennicula" bunnies and the worst taste in traditional candy choices.

oh wait.... scuse me... ahem.... the holiday celebrating the sweet Atonement and resurrection of Christ.
What in heaven's name do bunnies have to do with anything? And I never thought christian holidays were determined by the moon...?

Oh wait... scuse me... ahem.... the anglo-saxon holiday celebrating the goddess Eastre, her symbolic animal (the rabbit), and the coming of spring.
:) That's better.

It was so strange this year. I did nothing whatsoever for Easter. None of the traditions.... zilch. Okay, I take that back... I did partake of the only good candy sold during this time of year (no.. not peeps... ew.) Licorice jelly beans. mmmm.
No new clothes. No handmade Easter Sunday dress. No peeps. No eggs. No feast.
What day is it again?
Oh...just another day.

I think I like it this way. Easter is annoying anyway. It's when all the seasonal christians come out and preach their hypocrisy. When the Bishop calls you to his office and tells you " do this" "do that" "but it doesn't matter anyway, you're already bound for hell". When adults taunt little children by putting their favorite gross candy in impossible-to-open plastic eggs and hide them in impossible-to-find/reach places (all in a conspiracy to see who has the most eggs and determine which children are worth keeping in society and which should be thrown off the cliff into helot land).

Alright alright... I'm being a bit cynical. I DO love the idea of celebrating spring. Best time. When all the the snow melts away and the hideous litter of the world emerges over dead grass.... *cough* sorry. Sorry... I really do love spring. But I'd rather celebrate in May. May 1st, when everything is beautiful already. None of this bullshit of ... "yay it rained, rivers in the road, snow melting, dead things emerging, 30 degree F weather.... yay!" next day wake up to 3 feet of snow and -30 degree F weather.
In May, you're sure. You're sure that the weather won't betray you and kill that lone flower trying so hard to bloom in the yard. You're sure that each day becomes more beautiful, rain or shine, the smell of new growth emanates from everywhere.

That's Easter.

"It was one of those March days when the sun shines hot and the wind blows cold: when it is summer in the light, and winter in the shade." -Charles Dickens

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