Tuesday, January 22, 2008

She's back

November 19th....

What have I been doing all this time? There's no excuse for such a long lapse in my posts!

maybe there is.

Where have I been? Well, let's just say I don't have to worry about "boring" old kentucky anymore (thank god it lasted only a couple months). I've been around, just not around around in my head enough to have a seat and write out my pointless ramblings that maybe only one or two people ever take the time to read anyway.

I live in a little apartment, in a climate of an avg. -20 degrees F. Eek! yes... I know.
Darn that global warming, y'know?
At least when the car wont start or the door is frozen shut, or kids are getting frostbite in 3 minutes and watching their fingers fall off, I get to stay inside and curl up with a cozy afgan and a ginger ale and do absolutely nothing all day.
The power likes to go off, and then my really expensive 10 dollar flea market heat-blanket is useless. But then again, yes, let's just make it even more bulkier and thrown in a back up battery system!!
There is a male of some kind sleeping on the bed above mine who has no concern for whether I see his goodies or not... then again neither do I him, but... you know, if it disturbs him enough, maybe he'll leave, eh?
eeoh....then who'll make my soup?

That's pretty much where I am right now... sort of... if you cut out about 90%... but I have to have something to write about later on, right?

How Mr. Ledger decided to go and die on me in Miss Olsen's apartment. How could he?? He could have at least waited til he'd have a better legacy than a demonic Joker.

How, Mrs. Clinton needs to let Omar Bin Laden take her place in the race, cause at least he has cool hair and a funny accent.
Actually... Everyone should just drop out of the race, and let me be in charge of disposing of the bush administration and become sole ruler of this mess of a country.
You know I'd be good ;)

"Artists use lies to tell truths, politicians use lies to cover up the truth..." --"A-V"