Saturday, January 26, 2008

Lambs leading Lionsf

I watched this movie with my brother the other day. "Lions for Lambs". It made me want to get into political science (ha!).

Seriously, I had thought about that before, but it just such a turnoff for me to think of myself ending up in a position like that. A position where I become one of the very people I got into the business to crush.

It was a good movie, a realistic one. And all throughout you weren't quite sure how it'd end up. Slanted towards the left or the right. Biased toward the government or the people.

In the end, it was rather satisfying. Brought up many of the questions and points many people are worried about these days... The "forgotten war" in Afghanistan, how can the government not correlate vietnam? Why do they go on with what they are doing if they say they learned from their mistakes? Afew soldiers die "We may have a little blood on our nose" but that's not gonna faze us. Why exactly is it that today is one of the worst times to be an American? Why have we spent more time and sent more troops to the country that didn't attack us on 9/11, but justify it with that? What has this country gotten itself into...done to itself? Is our country really bent on living out ancient Roman ideals? Imperialism?

And they fact that...the news is all about celebrities, their babies, their divorces, their crack addictions and rehab treatments..... WHO CARES? I dont know these people, and they dont care about me... why?? why? All the important stuff is typed up on the little line across the bottom. A constant flow of important information that is ignored because the screen moves too fast, is small, and seems insignificant. Sometimes the line that says "Two American soldiers died in a blast near Kandahar", and that's it. Not heard of nor seen again. Who were they? What about locals? The line never crosses the screen again..

And then you hear things about the Phelps and their religion saying, soldiers are dying because god is mad that this country allows gays. So they upset families and disrupt mournings of soldiers with their pickets saying "death to fags".
They're even doing it to Heath Ledger, on his funeral, because of his role in Brokeback Mountain.

Yes... You see, I know this, because he is a celebrity... and what shows on the news? Celebrity's business.

What I liked about this movie is that it said to me... Trying and failing is better than not trying at all.
Although in the case of the current world situation, i'm not all that infatuated with our failures because they were failures before they were thought up...ones that could have been avoided.

What's the point in trying, if you know you're gonna fail?
It's that you did something.
Rather than take for granted opportunities, and lie idle accomplishing nothing.... and trying to accomplish nothing.

"Says the man in the air-conditioned room." -- Janine Roth

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