Monday, November 19, 2007


I've discovered frutarianism! Ya hear that?! Trioxypurine is addictive!!

oh god... what's wrong with me.

Let's see... well besides that.. I've made a mess of my room and yet I've finished packing. I'm tempted to just throw it all in a box and take it to good will.

Tonight, I'm going to this astronomy thing with Dr. Ciocca.......I wonder what the origin of that is... ciocca....Well, first name, Marco. It must be a romance language. Spanish? na... He has an accent but it's hard to tell. I think it's Italian. I'll ask him.

Tomorrow, I get a minified(hey that's copywrighted, thank you) birthday, yipee!

and then.....the dreadful Redeye. :( I'm so nervous.

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