Thursday, July 26, 2007

My Dearest Jules...

"...You Were the First"
My dearest Jules,
I do not know if this will ever find you. Maybe you're already on the boat. I do not know. I do not remember where you were going. I miss you now. I painted your name in the blood on the back wall. The blood is still there. I do not know what happened to the Man... he doesn't push things under the door any more for me. I feel very lonely now. I can still smell you on the wwalls and the floor. I'm afraid now. Why did you leave? You will come back soon. You would not leave me here alone. I don't have any more cookies left, and the crackers make my mouth hurt. I've been tasting the blood on the wall. It makes me feel bad. Please come back.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

wait a minute...isnt this a mix of your creative genius and one of the HP books?