Wednesday, September 13, 2006

That day

I woke up that morning; my parents had already left for the hospital. A note was left saying that Daine and his father would be taking us to school that day. We waited at the window and I looked down at my triplet step siblings, all so oblivious to the horror that would enfold that day, the confusion that would ensue. Myself; I knew something would happen, but wasn't sure what.
Daine's dad drove up and we stepped out into the cold September air. Our breath e came out in soft smoky billows. We drove slowly around the sharp curves or Pioneer Road. I stared out the half frozen windows of the car, thinking, wondering, in my own little world. I subconsciously listened to my own invented white noise, consisting of the radio news talk, the light hum of the engine, and the laughter of children in the back seat.
Suddenly, Daine's dad turned to me and asked in a panicked voice, " Did you hear that?!"
I just nodded, even though I hadn't. I had been pondering the feeling I had had all morning…the feeling of terror; Something bad was going to happen.
I thought, he must be talking about something he heard on the radio. I listened. All I heard was the babbling voices of, supposedly more important than I, people. Government. Politics. Probably some political squabble that will have absolutely no effect on me whatsoever. I gave up trying to understand, and continues with my Sky Watching. Ah, the sunrise, just now….does no one hold any respect for this event?

As I walked down the hall of the old brick school building, I noticed several teachers glance in the office, see the small TV, and walk slowly in, staring. Jaw dropped. Shocked. The most recent teachers to arrive eye's were still in confusion, while the more stale were full of tears that rolled down their cheeks. I continued walking, now more excited an nervous. Was this it? What is going on?
I entered the classroom knowing there was one of the few TVs in the school inside. But I walked in only to find it crowded by hovering adults, also with tears and confusion. I and a few other students stretched our necks to see above their shoulders. I caught only one glimpse just as, what seemed to be, a plane crashed into a tall building, adding to the black smoke that was already there. The teachers in full view gasped, and some turned to shoo us out of the room.
We sat in the hall…my curiosity burning…my nervousness heightening. What is going on? What is happening?
Later, my teacher lectured all day about the events of the morning. Most of us didn't understand what was happening. All these new words. Suddenly I'm hearing….Terrorists..Hijacking...World Trade Center.. death…war.
What does it all mean?
I went home a little frightened. My step dad's mother was there. After several phone calls, she took the family over to the hospital to meet my mother.
After holding my newest sibling, little Emily, the fears of the day completely vanished. All I could remember was this little miracle in my arms. I passed her on and someone said, "Of all days this beautiful baby could be born, why today? Why on such a horrible day?"
The little boy beside me answers, "Maybe heaven is getting too crowded today and she had to come…"

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