Wednesday, May 06, 2009

Love and labor again.

Just finished yet another boring amazing classic american literature book; The Heart is a Lonely Hunter.
They always seem to be incredibly boring, and all the same. But the style is truely amazing when you really delve into the stories. They just tell stories of lives of normal average people, and turn them into crazy amazing.... i dunno how to explain.
Anyway, this one was really interesting with the symbolism and ideas. The way she would maybe spare 3 words to describe something that will be incredibly important in the story. So small that you almost miss it.

I really loved how simple she portrayed things. So simple and so complicated.

so i just wrote all of these examples but now I am replacing it with this sentence because I realized I can't give spoilers!

But the best part was the end. Because this book is all about this thing that I've been writing about a lot on here... and elsewhere.. just the latest idea I've been into. This whole thing about what it is we actually do in life. We just love and labor. We work so hard all our lives just to survive until we die. People in the US, with our health care system, will graduate from college in industrial chemistry and then go work as a plumber simply because he has asthma and the plumbing company has health insurance.
Besides that.... we love. There's all these different kinds, and we cant explain them all. We can... okay, chemicals, brain lighting up, whatever... We still cant explain exactly why it happens, why those chemicals make this happen. We still can explain what it is. It just is.

Honestly human love and labor, however misguided and in whatever form, are the only things that give meaning to life.
I happen to personally put love at the top. I don't know why, but I love love and I hate love, and love just controls the universe, why not put it on the top. It's almost as if it's god to me. I believe in it and follow it blindly by pure faith. It makes decisions for me in my life. It has no physical form.
i know... i'm a little crazy.

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