Thursday, December 25, 2008

How to capture joy...

I've come to the conclusion that only I can make myself happy...So I've found 4 things to consider when searching for (and holding on to that) joy...

Here they are...

First, is your Body. Take care of your body and be aware of what is and is not normal for it. Be aware of its functions and keep it balanced. Simple as that.

And that leads right into the second thing... Present. Be fully aware of the present. No regretting, no worrying about the future. Think about the present only...well you can't really think about it, but you can think about the second after...close enough. It reminds me of a movie I saw a while back, can't remember what it was. Anyway, There was a part the girl asked the guy how he knows all these things about her, if he can read her mind or something. He just said he listens and pays attention... and notices. That's all. Just enjoy the present. Enjoy the smells and the sounds you hear. Be aware of the things you're feeling and your body is doing...breathing, your heart beating. Listen. Notice.

The third thing is... RELAX. Just relax... It's simple really. Simple and common sense. BREATHE. Why be so tense? Even when something is upsetting, just breathe. I heard someone say once that anxiety is just excitement without oxygen. So true :)

And the last thing... of course is.....Smile. I've found if you can make yourself smile... negativity just melts away. Smile and laugh. It works wonders.

After all this.... there's joy.

I just have to remember that Joy is formless. I can't hold onto it, try as i might. Holding on to physical things trying to make them make you happy is just a mess. Counterfeit joy equals mild hysteria. So the bad thing about joy is that you can't hold on to it, but one of the best things about it is that... it can arise anywhere.

"Yesterday is history, tomorrow is a mystery. Today is a gift. That's why it is called the present" -- ...okay, so i heard it on kung fu panda.... :p

1 comment:

Xunoz said...

you seem to have done a lot of soul searching for this one..and i can very well connect to you.

could you please re-create the poll which was closed without any votes?