Jambo Rafiki!
okay.. that's the extent of my Swahili (Half of which I give credit to Disney). I tried.
I am very very happy now. And I think that this very very important and incredible event is just the motivation I needed to start posting here again.
Yes! Obama won. Unbelieveably so...when I finally went to bed, it was at 338 electoral votes (while mccain had yet to reach 140). I consider it a movement. My country is relatively young, but there are younger who have already conquered the obstacle of....ugh, how to word it? Okay, for example, (and not to be a stereotypical american in saying this) Pakistan has already had a woman prime minister (and may she rest in peace). Pakistan of all places. Why does america, the so-called welcoming melting pot of cultural diversity and acceptance, still struggle so much with ridiculous things such as racism and sexism?
Anyway, my point is, I am taking this as a giagantic leap. Yes, he's the first African American president, but he's much more than that. I think he symbolizes not just "tolerance" but acceptance and embracing of the groups of people who have had to fight for so long for their rights and freedoms as human beings in this country. African Americans as well as women as well as gays (although that last one... according to california, needs to fight a bit longer :( ).
It's just a beautiful thing to see in this country, I think.
Beyond all of that...Obama is an amazing person. He understands that he may be over his head, he understands what he's getting into. He can unite even the people who voted against him. He's a very intelligent and open-minded person, and... man! can he speak! I dont know if it was just all the chaos of this election coming to an end, or what, but I found his speech very moving and extremely genuine. Genuine.
(so cute, watch... :D http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=NblCBtk6H-U)
"Change will not come if we wait for some other person or some other time. We are the ones we've been waiting for. We are the change that we seek. " --Sen. Barak Obama
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