Wednesday, April 18, 2007

Dream is Destiny

Let's talk about Maktub... "Maktub" means "It is written." There are some Arabs that feel that "It is written" is not such a good translation, because... although everything is already written, God is compassionate, and wrote it all down just to help us, guide us. Maktub is a paradox to me...It seems as though nothing can be fate because God is all-knowing, God has granted us our free will (or so they say), But the question has always lingered, since before 350 B.C., since before Aristotle, that is; How can both fate and freedom coexist? Obviously, by fate, we are chained down to whatever is bound to happen...certainly no freedom can dwell there when whichever choice we make is the choice that we were destined to make. And we all know, freedom can not matter what, there are always the laws of physics, of the universe..that must be followed. You're body, is just a complex arrangement of carbon molecules, just water, so our behaviour isn't gonna be an exception to these laws. With laws, there isn't freedom. I could ask, What if those laws which sustain the universe were taken away in order to make way for freedom? Can that be? What would happen if it were so?---------------------------------------------

No, really... I'm asking you, because I do not know the answer. Who knows? If that were to happen, maybe we'd all just end up like little whatchamacallit's (atom's?) that are bound by constant randomness, absolutely anything could happen, absolutely any time despite the surrounding situation.....But then again, if that were so...we'd still be "bound" to those random bursts and "bound" can only mean limits, and limit's can only mean the lack of pure freedom. -------------------

So, why bother with thinking about free will? Why not just accept that we're bound by laws and move on? Because we can't escape the question of free will. Just think of individuality, who you's just an accumulation of all the free choices you made, and you can only be respected for things you did of your own free will. And what about responsibility? How can you be held responsible for something you had no power over because makub was just using you as a vessel to carry on its story. ------------------------

I guess..In order to really understand what it truly is, we need to understand the concept of time. Nothing can be lost at at least trying to understand time because it is full of so many mysteries. 'God is all knowing' and 'we have our amanah..our free agency and our own responsibility' can coexist, at the same time (just as a half empty glass is ‘half full’ and ‘half empty’ at the same time, both are statement of truth, just as every moment is a 'holy' moment (as the presence of god is 'holy'), therefore, you experience this holy moment while at the same time you can watch this moment in the state of just the awareness of that moment). God is beyond time...God created Time. He can easily grab quantum physics by the scuff and live above and within the past, present, and future all at once. While we, measley spirits trapped in prisons of flesh ;) , are bound to the present plane only. We can only think about future, wish about the future and past, remember the past...but before we grasp what exactly is the present it becomes the past. Since God is beyond time, He knows all, and His knowing all signifies everything is written.-------------------------------------------------------------------

Y'know... in writing all of this, I am not taking a particular side....I'm taking a scientific look, a religious look, 'new age', philosophical, shared look and writing a small portion of my thoughts and impressions on these things put together as one idea.-------------------------------------------

I mean, for all we know...What we call "life" could just be a dream....a dream within a dream within a dream within a dream. People talk about 'lucid dreaming'..being able to stay concious while sleeping and control your dreams, CREATE, and manipulate that 'dimension', that perception of reality. Maybe that's all I'm doing now, and I can make myself wake up, but I will be 'waking up' to another reality, another 'dream'.--------------------------------------------------

Or...maybe, this 'God' guy, that IS everywhere, IN everything, IS everything, is just posing us a question...over and over until we answer S/He/It, "Yes". S/He/It's asking us "Do you want to be one with eternity? Do you want to be in Jannah, Elysium, in Heaven?" to which we keep answering, "No. No. No thank you. No." . In which case, the whole story of life leads down to a core of ...The transition of moving from "no" to "yes". So... ultimately, S/He/It waits for us to finally answer, WITH the right intentions/understanding/readiness, "Yes, I give in. Yes, I accept. Yes, I embrace."----------------------------------

Or...MAYBE.....maybe this, maybe that, maybe we're putting too much thought into it all...All of what I've just said could be a load of crap and completely meaningless, and for all you know, I might have been aware of this and just put together a bunch of big fancy words to make me sound all smart and sophisticated and wise...But to give my honest word, it is painful for me to even try to comprehend these things, let alone just KNOW the answers to these questions, honest to goodness, I don't know how someone like me could think of these things (although, I know I am deffinately not the first to)'s sorta like it is channelled to me from some other source, maybe even my own subconcious without realizing it, maybe GOD......but in any case, I'm gettin' a little sleepy now and...I... think...I might...might.. just.......... ---------------------------------------

"To say yes to one instant is to say yes to all of existence."