Monday, August 14, 2006

I dont know

I think that when finally realized...every human being absolutely loathes knowing the fact that it is basically inevitable for our species to NOT end up wanting more than anything the one thing they can never have. That intense feeling that becomes so strong that it seems impossible to dampen the desire. Even though you very well know that you cant ignore the existence of the fine line between need and want, it still becomes so strong that you subconciously try to fool your own mind into thinking it is indeed a need. And when it becomes a need in your mind, it's just a torture for you,

Wednesday, August 02, 2006


Probably the most malicious, and dreaded emotion discovered so far. It's as if you can smell it's ominousness a mile away and you do everything possible to avoid the unpleasant... trepidation that you know it will cause. But the very intimidation of the emotion becomes exactly what you wanted to evade from the beginning. Fear is funny that way. A vicious cycle. You're running from fear, but there's no where to run. Because what you really fear itself.
When each of us was a child and the realizations of our vulnerability first became a part of us, we all had our fears. All of the stories about the Boogeyman in our closets or the aligators under our beds. My little sister is afraid of what she calls 'The Hand'..that constantly haunts her dreams. I even had my own "far-fetched" fears...too many to count actually. But as a child, we also had enough imagination to believe without a doubt that our blankets and toys would shield and save us from any evils conjured by our mind.
The point is in the core of a human being that lies the recognition that we are predetermined and finite. Which makes us vulnerable. The recognition doesn't go away as we grow just gets subverted in a way...and changed. We'll abandon the simulation of our blankets...and create rituals and beliefs that equate to the use of our blankets.'Consider air travel. The trip through the airport includes a lot of checkpoints and interrogations. "Did you pack these bags yourself, sir/ma'am?" (How are you supposed to answer? "Of course not. I let a terrorist do it.") Then comes the scanning station. It's like people are entering a mosque or Buddhist temple. They're relatively quiet and respectful. They take off their jackets and shoes in order to pass through a sanctified gateway. I half expect incense to emanate out of the metal detecting wands waved in blessing over the traveler by the security priests on the other side.'Why do we even bother? Is making everyone take off their shoes really going to stop people from smuggleing knives and bombs etc. on to planes? many times is it going to happen until it finally hits us that these things do nothing to protect us.. they only give us the illusion of safety.
Just as if you go to a church in order to be safe from all evils. The church is equal to the power of the blanket, it no more protects you from your...perceived evil than it empowers you to face it.
I think that mastering the overcoming of fear is one of the most important things to acomplish in this life. And I'd encourage every person on this planet to strive to accomplish that. To stop pretending like running away will make it all better. But all in all...overcoming fear does not deny its existence, I think, rather..the discovery of another power is what over comes the cause of fear.

Tuesday, August 01, 2006

Јуст фор тхе хецк оф ит...

Ићм хавинг еџтреме троубле њритинг цонсидеринг тхе лангуаге он мз цомпутер хас судденлз цхангед он ме. И муст хаве хит соме цоде кезс анд ноњ Ићм њритинг ин греек...ор туркисх...ох њелл. Итћс сорт оф интерестинг....мазбе Ићлл пост ит анзњазс..јуст фор тхе хецк оф, хез?